Return Period -You can make a return / refund request within 14 days of your order has been delivered.
Return Process – You can return your product in few easy steps
Please ensure that returned item(s) are supplemented with your order confirmation, a copy of your delivery note along with all accessories and free of charge gifts.
- Initiate Return – Initiate return on my order page.
- Schedule Pick-up – Our customer care executive will call you and fix pickup schedule.
- Pickup – Product should me in its original state and packing .Handover the package to our representative.
The item(s) should be in its original and unopened packaging, along with the corresponding original order confirmation, delivery note, accessories and free gifts.
For a pickup service, delivery charges may apply.
- Refund – After inspection we will process the refund (upon approval of after sales service).
Money Back – If you have received an item(s) that is defective (e.g. delivered with ripped or missing parts, or other damage) it may be returned for a replacement or full credit upon approval.
Guarantee of Authenticity – You will receive 100% money back along with shipping charges if your product purchased from Dealshaat is found to be counterfeit.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us . We’ll be happy to serve you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Which documents do I need to bring to store for a refund or exchange?
The order confirmation and the delivery note are both mandatory for any refund or exchange to be proceeded.
What is your Returns and Refund policy?
Our return policy is a two Week Exchange and/or Refund upon approval.
If for some reasons, you are not satisfied and you wish to return your purchase, you will need to reach our customer service on —————– or contact us on this page www.dealshaat.com/contact-us. We’ll be happy to serve you.
What if I have receive a defective product?
Defective items (e.g., items delivered with ripped or missing parts, or other damage) may be returned for a replacement or full credit upon approval. They must be reported within 7 days from the date of reception of the item. Please contact us on this page www.dealshaat.com/contact-us, or reach our customer service on ———— as soon as possible. We’ll be happy to serve you.
Can you pick up my item for refund?
Yes, we can arrange this for you. Note that the delivery charge might be deducted in some cases.
For any further query –
Please contact us on this page www.dealshaat.com/contact-us, or reach our customer service on ——— as soon as possible. We’ll be happy to serve you.